AmigaOS3.5 (372/967)

From:Roger H�gensen
Date:12 May 2000 at 20:37:47
Subject:Re: SCREEN MODE Prefs

On 12-May-00, Steve - Highways wrote:
> After selecting the ScreenMode Prefs icon and changing from Hi-Res to
> Hi-Res Laced or any other mode I get the prompt:
> "Intuition is attempting to reset the Workbench screen. Please close
> all windows, except drawers."
> Retry / Cancel
> After closing all open windows the Amiga attempts to change mode once
> again until I am presented with the above message once again.

> I thought this may be a clash with one of the items in my WBStartup
> drawer so I moved them to another location and back to WBStartup one
> at the time to decide if this was the problem. It turns out that
> whatever I have in WBStartup it stops the Amiga from changing screen
> modes.

> Contents of WBStartup drawer:
> * MultiCX
> * ToolsDaemon

Of the utils you listed, these are the only ones I have as well.
You said the problem went away when you emptied your wbstartup.
ToolsDaemon is nice but it hacks the OS GUI pretty badly to
do what it want. I haven't notice any problems,
but as it's author said it's a hack.

MultiCX try to be a bit more nice,
it has A LOT of options in it's icon tooltypes field,
it is possible that there is a conflict with one of it's patches.

Try to disable ToolsDaemon, if you still have the problem.
Check the MultiCX tooltypes.

If the problem vanish, it's most likely ToolsDaemon.

I would guess on a MultiCX tooltype setting (a patch somwhere),
I had to disable several since many was available in OS3.5
as part of the OS update.

However! It doesn't happen all the time here.
Just try what I said and let me (or rather the OS3.5 list)
know what happens.


11:2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

Roger "Rescator" H�gensen - Software/Music/Graphics/Media
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Member of DTA (DataType Association) & ADN (Amiga Developer Network)

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry